School districts must provide English Learner (EL) students with disabilities both the language assistance and disability-related services to which they are entitled under federal law. Districts must also inform a parent of an EL student with an individualized education program (IEP) how the language instruction education program meets the objectives of the child’s IEP.

In order to provide dual-eligible learners with all of the services they need, you will need to download and complete the Dual Eligible Collaboration Tool.

How to complete the dual eligible collaboration tool


The Dual Eligible Collaboration Tool is a best instructional practice solution to align service for Dual Eligible Students in all settings. While it is best practice for all Dual Eligible students, it is required for those students who are receiving indirect or “consult” service from EL teachers.


The purpose for completing this form is for classroom, EL, and Special Education teachers to document your collaboration. The process of collaborating is as important as what you write down. This documented collaboration will help streamline multiple services for dual eligible students and follow required federal and state law. According to Federal Law and OCR:

"School districts must provide EL students with disabilities with both the language assistance and disability-related services to which they are entitled under Federal law. Districts must also inform a parent of an EL student with an individualized education program (IEP) how the language instruction education program meets the objectives of the child’s IEP."


This form is to be completed at the beginning of each school year and prior to the student’s annual IEP team meeting.


  1. Both Special Education and EL teachers may complete or come prepared to complete specific EL/ACCESS (EL Teacher) and/or Disability areas (Special Education teacher).

  2. After EL Language and IEP goals have been shared, discuss EL Programming: Guiding Questions.

  3. Based on the conversation so far, decide the type of EL service that will best benefit the student: Direct or Consultation (back side of sheet). Complete part A or part B accordingly.

  4. Description of Collaboration and Services: This is a critical part of the form. Please follow the guiding questions in the box to complete this section. Some additional considerations:

    1. Identify strategies that work well with the student.

    2. Modify for the student’s disability in acquiring language

    3. Utilize strengths and interests of the student.

    4. Document role of Special Education, English Learner, and Speech/Language teacher (if applicable) teacher

  5. EL Teacher will make a copy for Special Education and house the original in their files or in a cumulative file.

Note: Information from this document will be shared by the Special Education case manager during the IEP case meeting and summarized in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP).