Attention: For the 2024-2025 school year, this information will move to a new website. We recommend bookmarking the new website.
Atención: Para el año escolar 2024-2025, esta información se trasladará a un nuevo sitio web. Recomendamos marcar el nuevo sitio web como favorito.
Ceeb Toom: Rau xyoo kawm ntawv 2024-2025, cov ntaub ntawv no yuav txav mus rau lub vev xaib tshiab. Peb pom zoo bookmarking lub vev xaib tshiab.
Fiiro gaar ah: Sannad dugsiyeedka 2024-2025, macluumaadkani waxa ay u guuri doontaa degel cusub. Waxaan ku talinaynaa in la calaamadeeyo website-ka cusub.
Online Enrichment Resources
Students can continue to learn throughout the summer by participating in various enrichment activities.
For your convivence, we’ve gathered a list of independent activities children can complete on their own. Each list is grouped by age.
To learn about in-person summer activities, visit the MPS website.
Tech Choice Board
Check out our Tech Choice Board for fun ideas on how to use your iPad or Chromebook this summer.