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Target Audience: MPS Staff
Duration: 1 hour


Welcome to the Minneapolis Public Schools’ Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training! This course meets the one clock hour for MDE relicensure in the category for Suicide Prevention.

For more information about the course, click on the section titles below:

+ Learning Objectives

By completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of learning about youth suicide and how it relates to your role
  2. Summarize major facts and statistics as it relates to youth suicide
  3. Identify risk factors and warning signs of youth suicide
  4. Respond appropriately when a student at-risk of suicide exhibits warning signs
  5. Develop and implement protective factors

+ Resources

+ Contact Information

Step 1: Sign in to Google Chrome

To receive credit for the course, you will need to first sign in to Google Chrome. Learn how to sign in to Google Chrome.

If you are not signed in to Google Chrome, you run the risk of your progress not being saved and the course not functioning as expected. Therefore, the course may not be marked as complete.

Step 2: Launch the Training Course



Sign in to Google Chrome Video


On a Mac and using Safari?

View the Safari Settings video below:

On a PC and using Microsoft Edge?

View the Microsoft Edge Settings video below:


If you continue to experience technical issues, submit an eTicket or call the HelpDesk at (612) 668-0088