Attention: For the 2024-2025 school year, this information will move to a new website. We recommend bookmarking the new website.
Atención: Para el año escolar 2024-2025, esta información se trasladará a un nuevo sitio web. Recomendamos marcar el nuevo sitio web como favorito.
Ceeb Toom: Rau xyoo kawm ntawv 2024-2025, cov ntaub ntawv no yuav txav mus rau lub vev xaib tshiab. Peb pom zoo bookmarking lub vev xaib tshiab.
Fiiro gaar ah: Sannad dugsiyeedka 2024-2025, macluumaadkani waxa ay u guuri doontaa degel cusub. Waxaan ku talinaynaa in la calaamadeeyo website-ka cusub.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a website that manages your student's learning. Students can complete assignments, check calendars and schedules, see feedback for assignments, and communicate with their teachers and classmates using Google Classroom.
Getting Started with Google Classroom (with an MPS Chromebook)
Learn how to join a class, what is on a classroom page, and how to switch to another class.Don’t have an MPS Chromebook? Check out this Getting Started with Google Classroom document!
Turn in an Assignment (Video) (Instructions)
Learn how to turn in an assignment.Online Student Planner (Video) (Written Instructions)
Learn how to go to the To-Do page to see assignments for all of your classes (aka online planner).Turn Notification Emails On or Off
Learn how to stop receiving emails from Google Classroom.Access Google Classroom on Gaming Systems
Learn how to go to Google Classroom using a Playstation 4 (PS4) and Xbox One.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom es un sitio web que maneja el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Los estudiantes pueden realizar tareas, consultar calendarios y horarios, ver los comentarios de las tareas y comunicarse con sus maestros y compañeros de clase mediante Google Classroom.
Entrega una Tarea (Vídeo) (instrucciones)
Google Classroom
Google Classroom yog ib lub vamsab uas tswj koj tus menyuam txoj kev kawm. Cov menyuam siv ua tau lawv cov ntaub ntawv, xyuas cov sijhawm thiab caij nyoog, pom kev qhia rov tuaj rau cov kev ua ntaub ntawv, thiab txuas tau nrog rau lawv cov xibfwb siv qhov Google Classroom.
Xa Cov Ntawv (Assignment) Tiam lawm li cas (Video) (Cov lus qhia)
Google Classroom
Fasalka Google Classroom-ka waa shabakad maamusha waxbarashada ardaygaaga. Ardaydu waxay ku dhamaystiri karaan shaqooyinka, hubin karaan jadwalada iyo jadwalada, arki karaan jawaab celinta shaqada, oo ay la xidhiidhi karaan macalimiintooda iyo ardayda ay isku fasalka yihiin iyagoo isticmaalaya Google Classroom.
Ku soo Celi Howlaha Shaqadaada (Fiidiyoowga) (Tilmaamaha)